
2017年1月5日 星期四

神經內科Neurology note 1: stroke


1. Categories
- ischemic: 4/5
  • atherosclerosis of large vessels, RFs: HTN, DM, hyperlipidemia
  • lacunar stroke at small vessels(<1.5 cm on CT), RFs: HTN, DM
  • cardiogenic embolism(multiple, unusual, distal sites, RFs: valvular diseases, MI, arrhythmia, rheumatic, op hx 
- hemorrhagic: 1/5

2. Stenosis level
- severe stenosis: >70%

3. Stroke symptoms
- FAST: facial asymmetry, arm drop, slurred speech, time on onset
- motor: treat this part first!
- sensory
- consciousness, cognition etc.
* unspecific symmetric symptom: less likely due to stroke

4. NE:
pupil reflex: CN2 light sensation-->CN3 miosis
「pupil size」的圖片搜尋結果

diplopia/nystygmus: CN3, CN4, CN6

temporalis m. strength: CN5

facial asymmetry and wrinkles on forehead: CN7
- central: wrinkle loss
- peripheral

uvula deviation: to the "good" side, CN9
tongue deviation: to the "bad" side, CN12
SCM power: CN11 (little value for localization of lesion)

Barbinski sign: null-->also abnormal!
pathological reflexes

tendon reflex: hyper-->seek upper lesion
muscle power: check reaction to pain if patient's unconscious
gait/FNF/HKS/: cerebellar signs
speech:  eight types of aphasia
  • can repeat: transcortical(sensory/motor/mixed)/anomic
  • cannot repeat: Broca/Wernicke/conductive/global
5. Localization of lesion

ICA territory: transient monocular blindness
ACA territory: leg > arm
MCA territory: face & arm > leg, aphasia(dominant side), apraxia&neglect (non-dominant side)
PCA territory: alexia w/o agraphia, macula sparing homonymous hemianopia
Basilar territory: pupil, longtract sign, CNS, cerebellar, lock-in

6. Stroke management
- check cause of stroke( young stroke? underlying? )
- keep SBP<200 (or 220/120)in acute phase(14 days or less), SBP 140/90 afterwards
- hydration for 3~5 days
- Atorvastatin 80 mg if LDL >100, goal: LDL <70
- aspirin if no contraindications (GI discomfort-> shift to clopidogrel)
- consider NOAC (dabigatran, rivaroxaban, apixaban, edoxaban) or warfarin for AF patients according to histories and clinical symptoms
- rehabilitation, beware of choking

- tPA o.9mg/kg (max: 90mg) w/in 4.5 hrs if no contraindications(check NIHSS, stroke hx, BP, glucose, bleeding tendency etc.)
- Thrombectomy w/in 6 hrs
- CEA/ stenting if severe stenosis

7. TIA and subsequent stroke risk in one week: ABCD2 score, high risk:4↑
A: age(65↑)
B: BP (140/90↑)
C: clinical (weak  --> 2 points/ speech-->1 point)
D: duration (60 --> 2 points or 10~59 mins-->1 point)

8. NIHSS/mRS evaluation

9. PFO and stroke: if 4mm↑, shunting at rest, aneurysm, septal mobility

# Good reference for interns in Taiwan: 


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