
2016年10月20日 星期四

實戰課題Medical internship topic 5: Insulin_half life and mixed formula

 Insulin_half life and formula

1. Half life

Dr. József Tőzsér, Dr. Tamás Emri, Dr. Éva Csősz , Dr. József Tőzsér (2011) "Chapter 12. Production of human therapeutic proteins" Protein Biotechnology

2. Insulin formula
UCSF Diabetes Education Online: https://dtc.ucsf.edu/types-of-diabetes/type2/treatment-of-type-2-diabetes/medications-and-therapies/type-2-insulin-rx/designing-an-insulin-regimen/

3. Do not usually treat patients with insulin stimulation oral drugs if the patient is already insulin dependent

Repurposing Drugs to Target the Diabetes Epidemic Turner, Nigel et al. Trends in Pharmacological Sciences , Volume 37 , Issue 5 , 379 - 389

4. Last but not least, treating DM patients with CKD can be difficult.
This is a slide online about treatment in this scenerio.

腎臟科Nephrology random notes 02: Hypokalemia


1. K+ pool in body: 3500 mEq l (50 mmol/Kg), extracellular only 60~80 mEq
    Daily intake: 100 mEq

2. K+ balance:
- acute internal balance: transcellular; driving force (inward) including Na/K pump, Na/H exchange, beta 2 agonist, insulin, thyroid hormone
- chronic external balance: renal secretion ; K+ secretion = [K+ ]CCD x Flow rateCCD
- GI: (metabolic acidosis)diarrhea, laxative use, villous adenoma,  (metabolic alkalosis) NG drainage, vomiting

3. Definition 
- K+ <3.5 mEq/L in blood
- does no equal low K+ in sum 

4. Etiologies:
- Uk >30 mEq/ day, >15 mEq/L, TTKG>7 --> renal loss--> check BP, acid-base, Ucl
- Uk <25 mEq/ day, <15 mEq/L, TTKG<3 -->extrarenal loss
TTKG= (urine/plasma [K+ ])/(urine/plasma osmolality)

5.  Common manifestations
- Mild to moderate= 2.5~3.5 mEq, usually asymptomatic
- Arrhythmia ( U wave, QT interval↑, PVCs, VT, VF)
- Muscle cramps and weakness
- Polyuria
- n/v, ileus
- tendon reflex↓

6. Treatment
Lin SH, Halperin ML. Hypokalemia: a practical approach to diagnosis and its genetic basis. Curr Med Chem 2007; 14: 1551-65.
Kunin AS, Surawicz B, Sim EA. Decrease in serum potassium concentrations and appearance of cardiac arrhythmias during infusion of potassium with glucose in potassium-depleted patients. N Engl J Med 1962; 266: 228-33

↓ 1 mEq= 200 mEq total body loss
K+ 2.5~3.5 mEq↓: oral slow-K 40~100 mEq/day, no more than 20 mEq in one dose
K+ 2.5 mEq↓: IV K+ supplement, do not give over 40 mmol/L or 60 mmol/hour
Peripheral line: 20 mEq/L(max 40), 10 mEq/hr
Central line: 40 mEq/L(max 100), 20 mEq/hr~40mEq/hr

IV: DO NOT mix with dextrose solution metabolic acidosis:  use KHCO3, K+ citrate
metabolic alkalosis: use KCl
low phosphorous: use K+ phosphate

Potassium sparing diuretics: 
- amiloride
- triamterene
- spironolactone #1 BID or #2 QD with loop diuretics #1?

2016年10月18日 星期二

腎臟科Nephrology random notes 01

Nephrology random notes 01

1. Blood cells
- Hgb: RBC can remove NO in blood--> RBC infusion can elevate blood pressure
- Platelet decrease: cause-->drug?, infection? DIC? hematologic disease? autoimmune?

2. UTI
Urine analysis
           - pyuria+bacteriuria + symptoms?
           - no need to treat asymptomatic UTI in women except pregnant women 
           - check renal echo if UTI in men
           - Treatment:
                   *quinolone and Baktar not first line--> 
                    drug resistance carried by plasmids, save these drugs for MDR-TB; 
                   *Ceftriaxone has IM form for those who can not stay in the hospital for IV antibiotics
                   * yeast and candida--> can be viewed as normal colonies
                   * Proteus: may be related to stones

3. Proteinuria
- A/C ratio: DM, HTN patients wound check this.
- P/C ratio: generalized protein loss

4. BUN/Cr↑ (pre-renal azotemia) causes
- Breakdown: GI bleeding (RBC), trauma
- Sepsis
- High protein diet
- Steroid use

BUN↓ : may be related to liver function ↓

5. Oliguria----->AKI?
- Pre-renal: try hydration, but beware of heart, kidney, liver function, allergy
- Post-renal: try Foley tube insertion, DDx: stone, malignancy, BPH
- Renal: drug induced? use lasix

6. Skin turgor evaluation spots
- Axillary region
- Inguinal region

7. Diet and CKD in Taiwan
- Avoid: carambole , kiwi fruit, melons, papayas, brown rice, anchovy, salty soup

8.Shortness of breath
- Hypoxia: A/a gradient abnormal, ex. pulmonary edema(CO2 more soluable than O2)
- CO2 retention with muscle fatigue, ex. asthma, COPD

9. ABG/VBG in SOB patients with CKD
- Do not count anion gap because we still cannot differentiate whether metabolic acidosis is caused by infection or renal diseases
- RTA narrowly defined: RTA with normal Cr.

10.  Dialysis
- lung edema: refractory to diuretics
- pericarditis
-K+↑, EKG change(+), fail medical treatment (Cr high-->protect heeart, may not have EKG abnormality; can double-check K+ level if doubting hemolysis) 
- Uremia
- Intoxication: Ca2+, acylovir,aminophylline ,Benzodiazepam(x), with smaller molecular and less protein binding ability
- Elective: acidosis, anemia
- Uremic encephalopathy diagnosed by rule out, DDx: CVA, stroke, sepsis (BP drop after dialysis!)
High Cr without symptoms: This is a strong person ! XD

11. Spider angioma
- Estrogen↑ --> central arteriole, peripheral capillaries--> on liver cirrhosis 

12. Else
-  Imipenem: may induce seizure
-  Cardiac echo: IVS--> septum thickness, LVPW--> left ventricle thickness, concentric hypertrophy--> HTN related

2016年10月15日 星期六

感染科Infectious diseases topic two: Antibiotics and bacteria

Antibiotics and bacteria

(Should consult professional advice because every doctor has his/her own perspective regarding antibiotic use.)

File:Antibiotics Mechanisms of action.png
Author: Kendrick Johnson
1. Antibiotics and drug resistance
- mechanism: bacterial pump(1/10 of bac. genome coding for pumps); collateral damage caused by wide spectrum antibiotics and subsequent selection of resistant colonies
-  hospital monitoring:  Most bac. are sensitive to amikacin, but beware of renal toxicity); other indicators of resistance: ciprofloxacin, levofloxacin etc.
- example: E. coli resistance development(ampicillin-->cefazolin-->ceftriaxone-->carbapenem-->colistin)

2. Bacteria review
 GPC(Staphylococcus, Streptococcus, Enterococcus)
        - coagulase (+): S. aureus
        - coagulase (-): other Staphylo
 GPB(Listeria, Bacillus, Clostridium)
 GNB(Enterobacteriaceae, NFGNB, Haemophilus)
                                           NFGNB(live on little amount of sugar)
                                           - Pseudomonas
                                           - Acinetobacter baumanii
                                           - Stenotrophomonas maltophilia 
                                              - Burkholderia
                                              - Moraxella catarrhalis
3. Antibiotics categories
- Main force: cell wall inhibitors
- Assistance: protein inhibitors
- Second line: quinolone, rifampin
- Killers: Daptomycin (sounds effective but cannot kill intracellular pathogens)

4. Drug of choice( Newer drug isn't always better _)

- Syphilis, Spirochetes, Strep. group A: Penicillin G

- MSSA cellulitis: Oxacillin
- Enteroccocus: resistant to all cepha, use Penicillin G or Ampicillin
- MRSA: Vancomycin (but Vanco has poor CNS penetration)

- Infective endocarditis: Penicillin G 3-4 MU IV Q4H +Gentamicin 1mg/kg Q8H  for 4-6wks

-VRE: Ampicillin +Gentamicin (if sensitive), Linezolid(ZYVOX), Daptomycin
- Uncomplicated sinusitis, pharyngitis, otitis media: Amoxicillin(250-1000mg PO Q8H)
- Neonatal E. Coli infection/Adult Listeria meningitis: Ampicillin(1-3g IV Q4H-Q6H for Listeria)
- Respiratory tract infection: AUGMENTIN(Amoxicillin +Clavulanate),  UNASYN(Ampicillin +Sulbactam), sulbactam--> Acinetobacter baumannii

- Klebsiella pneumonia: Cephalosporins(3rd if community invasive infection) + aminoglycosides
- Enteric bacilli with ESBL: resistance to 3rd cephalosporins; use Imipenem or MeropenemCiprofloxacin
- Salmonella: Should not be treated with aminoglycosides, 1st- or 2nd- generation cephalosporins or imipenem, use 3rd cephalosporins, Quinolone, and TMP-SMZ, Ampicillin, Chloramphenicol if (S)

- Pseudomonas infection(HAP?): TAZOCIN

- Pseudomonas: aminoglycoside(UTI), Ceftazidime+aminoglycoside(pneumonia and/or bacteremia), ciprofloxacin/levofloxacin

Stenotrophomonas infection: TMP-SMZTIMENTIN,  Levofloxacin 

                                                              (ticarcillin +clavulanate)
- Acinetobacter baumannii: ceftazidime, imipenem or meropenem; colistin+carbapenem or sulbactam

5. ß-Lactam antibiotics

- Penicillin, Cephem(Cephalosporin/Cephamycin), Monobactam, Carbapenem, ß-lactamase inhibitor


- Recite!  
                  Ampicillin + Sulbactam = Unasyn (MSSA, Acinetobacter, bacteroides)
                  Amoxicillin + Clavulanic acid = Augmentin
                  Ticarcillin + Clavulanic acid = Timentin
                  Piperacillin + Tazobactam = Tazocin
-First-generation cephem
Cefazolin (IV)
Cephalexin (oral)

-Second-generation cephem

Cefuroxime (IV, oral)
Cefoxitin, cefmetazole (IV cephamycin)

-Third-generation cephem

Without antipseudomonal activity: Ceftazidime, Cefoperazone
With antipseudomonal activity: Cefotaxime, ceftriaxone (IV); Cefixime, cefpodoxime (oral)

-Fourth-generation cephem


Carbapenems : for ESBL, anaerobics

- Imipenem
- Meropenem
- Ertapenem: NOT for pseudomonas, AB

Fluoroquinolones: CAN cover AB, Salmonella, Shigella, atypical, anaerobics, resistance strains, STD(gonorrhea)

- 2nd generation Ciprofloaxin (Cirpoxin): GNB, NFGNB
- 3rd generation Levofloxacin (Cravit), Moxifloxacin (Avelox)

Aminoglycosides: seldom used alone if G(+)

- Gentamycin
- Amikacin
- Recite!
                    Infective endocarditis: Penicillin G + gentamicin  
                    Enterococcus infection: Ampicillin + gentamicin
                    Staphylococcus infection: Oxacillin + gentamicin/ Vancomycin + gentamicin
Macrolides: MRSA, S. pneumonia, atypical
- Erythromycin
- Clarithromycin
- Azithromycin


- simple UTI
- salmonella; traveler's diarrhea
- Steno/Burkholderia/Chryseo

Tetracycline (Mycoplasma, Chlamydia, Rickettsia)

-   Tetracycline: Q6H
    Minocycline: Q12H
    Doxycycline: Q24H
-   Tigercycline


- Metronidazole: amoeba, Clostridium difficle
- Clindamycin: for G(+), alternative
- Chloramphenicol
- Colistin: multiple drug resistant G(-)

2016年10月4日 星期二

感染科 Infectious diseases topic one: NTM (nontuberculous mycobacteria)


1. Pathogen types

- Rapid growing: abscessus
- Soft tissue related: marinum
- Immunocompromised pts: kanasii

2. Pathogen from...

- Aquarium, fish: marinum
- Tap water: gordonae

3. Body parts involved
- LN: by MAC
- Soft tissue:  by marinum
- Lung: AFP(+), PCR(-), CT may present with TB-like patterns(tree in bud, LNs)
- Disseminated: beware of AIDS, interferon gamma pathway defect

4. Examination
- Use LJ culture with liquid
- Take samples from sputum, bronchial washing, soft tissue, blood

5. Diagnosis by
- Clinical symptoms
- Image proof
- Pathology or culture
*** Fungal infection of lung can also last long.

6.  Sweet's syndrome
- Epidemiology: rare
- Presentation: fever, painful skin lesions on arms, neck, head, and trunk
- Etiology: infection(ex:NTM), cancer, drug

7. Treatment
- Principle: treat early even with only one set of blood culture done
- Kanasii: treat as TB, except PZD(Pyrazinamide)
- MAC: macrolide with other drugs combined

8. Take home message:
Consider NTM infection if wounds do not heal for a long time
***Further reading: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/27109150


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