
2016年6月29日 星期三

耳鼻喉科Otolaryngology topic sixteen: Diseases of oropharynx/OSA/neck mass

Diseases of oropharynx/OSA/neck mass

***Some of these contents overlap with the note of "Diseases of oral cavity".***

1. Anatomy boundary:
-- lower part: hyoid bone
-- upper part: hard/soft palate junction, circumvallate papilla
-- lateral part: palatine tonsil 

2. Innervation
-- soft palate: CN5-2--> sensory, CN10--> motor
-- tongue base: CN7
-- tongue movement: CN9, 10

-- tympanic branch of CN9
-- auricular branch of CN10

3. LN
-- level 2, 3
-- retropharyngeal LN(behind pharynx)

4. Closer look of anatomy
-- crypt: blind tubules
-- cervical spaces

5. Swallowing process
-- oral phase
-- pharyngeal phase < 1 sec
-- tool for examination: barium swallow study, flexible endoscope

6. UADT (upper aerodigestive tract)
-- pharyngitis: mucosal, submucosal inflammation
-- bac.: group A Streptococcous (suppurative, rheumatic fever) , Hemophilus influenza
-- virus(30~60%): rhinovirus, coronarivus, RSV, parainfluenza, influenza
-- fungus: candida(thrush)

-- Waldeyer's ring of lymphoid tissue: direct contact with other tissues

7. Tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy
-- minimal effects to immune system
-- indication: airway obstruction, recurrent infection, suspect neoplasm, few are absolute

8. SOB and sleep disorders
-- sleep pattern: NREM-->REM
-- SOB: primary snoring -->upper airway resistance syndrome(UARS)/EEG change -->OSA;  associated with age & BW
-- DDx: hypopnea, central apnea, obstructive 

-- nasopharyngoscope 
-- cephalometry: facial skeleton, do not assess soft tissue
-- polysomnography: gold standard
-- AHI= apnea index+hypopnea index (frequency in one hour)
-- Friedman staging for UPPP

--treatment: life style change/BW↓, correct hormone, nCPAP, UPPP(surgery, snoring↓ but OSA 50% remain), MMA, radiofrequency tissue volume reduction, pillar implant

9. Neck mass
-- fascia: superficial layer-->muscles, middle layer-->trachea, esophagus, larnyx,thyroid, deep layer
--  etiology: inflammatory, congenital, neoplastic (keypoint: age!!!)

10. 2nd brachial anomalies
11. Thyroglossal duct cyst: midline, Sistrunk operation
12. Metastatic neck mass: firm, fixed, rapid growth

耳鼻喉科Otolaryngology topic fifteen: Diseases of oral cavity

Diseases of oral cavity

1. Oral cavity and pharynx: border
-- junction of hard and soft palate
-- circumvallate papillae

2. LN drainage
From "Cancer Research UK"
3. Taste
-- anterior 2/3 of tongue: CN7, chorda tympani
-- posterior 1/3 of tongue: CN9, glossopharyngeal nerve

4. Gland secretion
-- stimulated: parotid gland
-- automatic: submandibular gland

5. Diseases of oral cavity

Infection: viral or bacterial or fungal(Candida albicans)

Fungal infection
--> acute atrophic candidiasis
--> angular cheilitis (DDx: vitamin B2 deficiency)
-- treatment: neomycin
-- white spot: can be removed

-- young children, more common in summer and autumn
-- Coxsackie A mainly
-- DDx: bacterial infection (pus-like lesions!)

-- Coxsackie A
-- may develope into meningitis, myocarditis

Herpes simplex
-- recurrent cold sore

-- may associate with Ram-Say-Hunt syndrome

-- associated with HPV infection
-- Oral papilloma is much more benign than recurrent respiratory papillomatosis.


-- beware of malig. change

Aphthous stomatitis
-- herpetiform ulcers: fused ulcers, painful
-- treatment: CCl3COOH,  AgNO3

Lichen planus
-- DDx: leukoplakia

Burning Mouth syndrome
-- peri-/post- menopausal women
-- PE: no findings
-- local neuropathy
-- treatment: ani-epileptic drug
-- DDx: LPR

Geographic tongue (benign migratory glossitis)
-- unknown cause

Fissured tongue 
-- unknown cause
-- no treatment

Hairy tongue 
-- unknown cause
-- treatment: hygiene-->brushing

-- recurrent sublingual gland obstruction 
-- treatment: marsupialization, remove wall/sublingual gland

Benign neoplasm
-- torus
-- lingual thyroid: midline in area of foramen cecum, +thyroglossal duct cyst, 70% hypothyroidism
-- cysts: F/U if no symptoms
-- fibroma, pyogenic granuloma: response to chronic stimultion
-- neurofibroma: smooth, may occur at other sites at the same time
-- hemangioma: do not bleed as much as hemangioma at other sites
-- pleomorphic adenoma: benign if from salivary gland

Oral cavity cancer
-- most common @ tongue, buccal mucosa
-- risk factor: including drinking alcohol
-- examination tools: upper GI endoscope, chest CT(N2b↑), head and neck CT, PET/MRI... 
-- micro: most common-->SCC, tumor thickness directly associated with meta. and survival
-- treatment: surgery, >0.5 cm --> need neck dissection (LN!)

2016年6月28日 星期二

耳鼻喉科Otolaryngology topic fourteen: Larynx & pharynx

Larynx & pharynx

1. Anatomy

-- laryngeal cartilage: x 9
-- cricoid cartilage: the only cartilage 360° surrounding the trachea 
-- arytenoid: 4 intrinsic laryngeal muscles attached

-- narrowest at cricopharyngeal m. (upper esophageal sphincter)

2. Microstructure for phonation
-- cover: epithelium
-- transition: lamina propria
-- body: thyroiarytenoid
--> mucosa wave

3. Innervation
-- superior laryngeal n. external branch: CT muscle
-- recurrent laryngeal n. : all the other intrinsic muscles

4. Swallowing: 5 steps
-- soft palate closure
-- larynx elevation/ anterior movement
-- epiglottis 
-- constrictor muscle
-- crycopharyngeal m. relaxation
*** Right side bronchus: more straight, beware of choking with foreign body

5. Congenital abnormalies
-- laryngomalacia: cartilage/soft tissue collapsing inward during inhalation 
-- vocal cord paralysis: children--> bilateral, combined with other CNS defects 

6. Acquired diseases
-- acute laryngitis: virus infection
-- acute epiglottitis: Hemophilus influenza, airway obstruction, 2~6 y/o children/immunocompromised
-- laryngopharyngeal reflux(LPR): foreign body sensation, granuloma(LPR induced), need 24 hr pH monitor
-- Reinke's edema(polypoid vocal cord): @superficial lamina propria, smokers
-- laryngotracheal trauma: external, iatrogenic(bilateral)
-- laryngotracheal stenosis
-- foreign body ingestion (2/3)/aspiration(1/3):@ cricopharygeal m., 2~4 y/o
               --> pins
               --> peas
               --> coins
               --> meat, bones 

7. Head and neck cancers
-- male >> female : most obvious difference in esophageal cancer
-- 10~20% distal metastasis, mostly to lungs
-- treatment: anterior parts, ex: oral cavity--> surgery; naso/oropharynx: CCRT


耳鼻喉科Otolaryngology topic thirteen: Maxillofacial injury

Maxillofacial injury

1. Types and presentations
-- sport injury: from frontal bone to mandible  
-- traffic injury:  from the lower part of a head to the upper  

2. Top priority: airway
Beware of
-- fallen teeth
-- tongue
-- blood clot

3. Circulation
-- rarely cause shock

4. Secondary survey
-- medical record, drug history, allergy, CBC, CXR, urine routine...

5. Intervention
-- surgery: 5~8 days afterwards
-- suture: DO NOT create dead space
-- DO NOT offer morphine as they depress cough reflex and constrict pupils
-- Avoid treatment if no significant displacement of zygoma is present.
-- intervention when orbital floor damage>50%
-- can use iliac crest for reconstruction

6. Trauma
-- 70% lower extremity 
-- 50% ↑upper extremity, chest

7. PE/CT check key spots
-- eminence(-) --> check zygoma 
-- vertical buttress
-- mandible 
-- orbit 
-- soft tissue if complex injury ( eyes, facial n., dental occlusion...)

***Forced duction test: check orbit floor fracture
***Medial canthal ligament

8. Le Fort classification of maxilla fracture
From: RosarioVanTulpe
Red: type 1
Blue: type 2
Green: type 3, craniofacial
-- type 1: floating palate
-- type 2: infraorbital nerve, 35~55% (highest!)
-- type 3: worst-->raccoon eyes, panda face, CNS leakage, olfactory n. damage; least common

9. Zygoma fracture
-- lateral canthal ligament: causing diplopia 

10. Sinus fracture & CSF rhinorrhea
-- caution: anterior cranial fossa, cribriform plate, ethmoid sinus (maxillary sinus-->less likely)
-- 25% CSF leakage
-- CSF rhinorrhea after 1 wk, unilateral, wet handkerchief test, beta-2 transformin

-- treatment: absolute bed rest 7~10 days, avoid weight-lifting, acetazolamide, surgery
*** Antibiotics are NOT needed.

-- localization of CSF rhinorrhea: lumber puncture + contrast media/radioactive agents

11. Children
-- anatomy: cranium to face ratio↑
-- earlier treatment

2016年6月23日 星期四

耳鼻喉科Otolaryngology topic twelve: Outer and middle ear diseases

Outer and middle ear diseases

1. Auricle

Blood supply (external carotid a.)
-- occipital a.
-- posterior auricular a. 
-- superficial temporal a. 

-- CN5 
-- CN7, 9, 10
-- greater auricular n.

2. External auditory canal
-- external 1/3: cartilage, sebaceous gland, follicle, ceruminous gland
-- internal 2/3: more fragile
-- junction: isthmus, narrowest

3. Auricle diseases

Preauricular sinus
-- Brachial arches fail to fuse.
-- can be bilateral or unilateral
-- treatment: total resection, but  recurrence

-- male
-- unilateral atresia, right side
-- grade 2: lower part normal; grade 4: combined with other brachial arch problems
-- treatment: early amplification by hearing aid if bilateral (bone transmission)

-- DM, trauma, post-OP

Relapsing polychonditis
-- autoimmune related, idiopathic
-- All cartilages may be affected.
-- earlobe unaffected
-- treatment: steroid

Herpes zoster oticus
-- VZV
-- pain, vesicles after 3~7 days
-- Ramsay-Hunt syndrome: CN7--> facial palsy, open eyes; CN8--> tinnitus, headache, hearing loss; CN9,10
-- treatment: acyclovir/valcyclovir, steroid, ZnO, corneal protection

-- squamous
-- basal cell
-- melanoma

4. External ear canal diseases

Cerumen impaction and foreign body 

Acute otitis externa (swimmer's ear)
-- pain while pulling/pressing auricle
-- microbiology: Pseudomonas, S. aureus (second infection)
-- treatment: topical antibiotics except DM/ immunosupression

-- NOT related to immune status
-- microbiology: Apergillus, Candida

Necrotizing external otitis
-- extremely painful, seeing granuloma, invading peripheral soft tissues (even skull base!)
-- microbiology: PseudomonasMRSA
-- progress quickly
-- exam. tools: Tc99m/CT for bones, Gallium scan for F/U, MRI
-- treatment: antibiotics, surgery

5. Reflexes of the middle ear/ nerve passing
-- CN5-->tensor tympani at neck of malleus-->tighten eardrum
-- CN7--> stapedius m.-->pulling away stapes-->acoustic reflex
-- chorda tympani n.(taste of anterior 2/3 of tongue)->between malleus and incus

6. Middle ear diseases

Eardrum(=tympanic membrane) perforation
-- traumaticwedge shape
-- central perforation: less likely to develop into cholesteatoma
-- Otic drops: choose quinolones among antibiotics

Atelectatic and adhesive otitis media
-- middle ear negative pressure-->erosion of ossicles

-- epithelium in abnormal middle ear region-->erosion of ossicles
-- congenital or acquired
-- DDx: chronic myringitis, atrophic scar(lacking fibrous tissue)

Acute otitis media
-- children, after URI
-- acute: <3 wks
-- diagnosis triad: acute, middle ear effusion(pus), symptoms
-- cannot rule out polyp, cyst, tumor
-- microbiology: Streptococcus pneumonia, Hemophilus influenza, Moraxella catarrhalis, RSV, inflenza, parainflenza, rhinovirus
-- treatment: amoxicillin, augmentin

Chronic otitis media
-- chronic: >3 months
-- structural change
-- microbiology: Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Staphylococcus aureus, anaerobics

Otitis media with effusion (OME)
-- NO pus, asymtomatic, plugged sensation
-- 6 months~4 y/o , recover in 3 months automatically 
-- chronic if bil. >3 months, uni. > 6 months; recurrent if >4 times in a year, >3 times in 6 months
-- diagnosis tool: pneumatic otoscope
-- DO NOT perform adenoidectomy if first episode
-- DDx: NPC if unilateral in adults

-- female > male, whites
-- osseous dyscrasia limited to the temporal bone (affecting otic capsule)
-- 70% bilateral, progressive hearing loss
-- Schwartze’s sign

Temporal bone trauma
-- 30%~75% head injuries, related to motor vehicle accidents
-- longitudinal70~90%  
-- transverse: 50% facial nerve injury, more likely to cause hearing loss
-- may lead to BPPV, perilymph fistula

7. Middle ear surgery

Tympanoplasty (Wullstein, 1953)
-- type 1:  connect to malleus
-- type 2:  connect to incus
-- type 3:  classic-->connect to stapes; modified-->place bone strut, stapes(+)
-- type 4:  classic-->connect to foot plate of stapes; modified-->place TORPstapes(-)
-- type 5a: footplate(-)
-- type 5b: footplate(-), horizontal semicircular canal
-- modified type 3 & modified type 4--> ossiculoplasty, made from Polycel, titanium

耳鼻喉科Otolaryngology topic eleven: Otoneurology & vestibular system

Otoneurology & vestibular system

1. Central pathways
-- vestibulo-ocular reflex (VOR) : CN3,4,6
-- vestibulo-spinal reflex (VSR): lateral tract for extremities, medial tract for central muscles
-- vestibulo-vegetative reflex (VVR) : GI related

2. Dizziness and DDx

Duration is the key!
-- seconds: benign paroxysmal positional vertigo, superior semicircular canal dehiscence(SSCD, induced by noise, DDx by CT), perilymphatic fistula 
-- minutes: vertebrobasilar insufficiency ; migraine-related vertigo
-- hours: meniere’s disease
-- days: vestibular neuritis, labyrinthitis

3. Nystagmus
-- slow phase: speed, pathologic direction
-- fast phase: descriptive direction
-- transverse: inner ear problems
-- vertical: CNS problem
-- spontaneous
-- gaze (Brun's nystagmus: , cerebellopontine; down-beat nystagmus: ↓, Arnold-Chiari malformation = narrow foramen magnum)
             > uni-directional: inner ear, 
             > multi-directional: brain, variable intensity
-- normal ones: optokinetic nystagmus, caloric-test induced(COWS)

*** Closing the eyes, darkness, Frenzel glass, ENG would help the observation of nystagmus.

4. Coordination tests

-- Romberg: eye close-->proprioception
-- Romberg on foam: eye close--> vestibule
-- tandem Romberg: similar to Romberg on foam

Non-equilibratory (cerebellum function)
-- circle drawing: dyssynergia
-- some for dysmetria
-- some for dysdiadochokinesia
-- smooth persuit
-- saccades

5. ENG and caloric test
(│right side wave angles-left side wave angels│/ sum of both-side wave angles ) x 100%
normal: <20. the side with smaller angle-->weaker function

6. Other tests
-- cervical vestibular myogenic potential
-- ocular vestibular myogenic potential
-- posturography
-- rotational chair test

耳鼻喉科Otolaryngology topic ten: Speech and voice

Speech and voice

1. Anatomy
-- ventricular folds
-- ventricle
-- true vocal folds

2. Histology

Three layers forming vocal fold
-- epithelium

-- lamina propria
    -->superficial layer = Reinke's space: loose, containing fluid, between mucosa and vocal ligament, determining timbre
    -->intermediate layer
    -->deep layer

-- muscle layer (posterior cricoarytenoid muscle--> abduction; stimulated by recurrent laryngeal nerve)

3. Sound production
-- vibrating frequency: men-->100, women-->200 per second
-- superior laryngeal nerve, recurrent laryngeal nerve

4. Tools for examination/ evaluation
-- laryngeal mirror
-- laryngeal telescope: not elastic, clearer than fiberscope
-- nasopharyngo-laryngo-fiberscope: more elastic, inserted from nose
-- videolaryngo-strobo-scopy: use flash light to record vocal cord movement
-- perceptual evaluation of sound: 0--> best; 3--> worst
-- aerodynamic test- maximum phonation time(MPT): normally >10 secs
-- aerodynamic test- mean flow rate(MFR): MPT↓-->MFR↑
-- acoustic analysis- fundamental frequency
-- acoustic analysis-perturbation measures(jitter: frequency change, % ; shimmer: loudness change, dB)
-- phonetogram(vocal profile): Falsetto with less contact surface, vocal fry with more contact surface 
-- laryngeal electromyography

5. Functional voice disorders

Muscular tension dysphonia
-- overuse of vocal cords
-- hyperfunctional 

Chronic chorditis
-- overuse of vocal cords, heavy smokers

Vocal nodules
-- overuse of vocal cords, wrong speaking habit
-- bilateral, hourglass shape vocal cords
-- DDx: polyp

Vocal polyp
-- phonotrauma 
-- unilateralbleeding 

Cordal cyst
-- hard to distinguish from polyp, may need patho proof
-- less effect on sound comparing to polyp

Contact ulcer (granuloma)
-- post trachea tube insertion
-- posterior 1/3

Ventricular dysphonia 
-- using ventricular fold when speaking

Conversion (hysterical) dysphonia
-- long term or sudden onset emotional stress
-- recover when the patient cannot hear himself/herself

Mutational falsetto
-- resist voice change during puberty

6. Organic voice disorders
-- senile atrophy, androphonia, hypothyroidism
-- inflammation: Reinke's edema(heavy smokers), infection, irritant exposure, granuloma
-- congenital: sulcus vocalis, glottic web
-- neuromuscular: paralysis(unilateral), spasmodic(treat with botulism
-- neoplastic: need to DDx via scope and patho, leukoplakia, papilloma, carcinoma
-- vascular

7. Articulate disorders
-- mental
-- CNS
-- hearing
-- functional, structural

2016年6月22日 星期三

耳鼻喉科Otolaryngology topic nine: Audiology


1. Treatment plan:
-- sensory↓: surgical  treatment
-- conduction↓: medical treatment

2. Cochlear
-- scala vestibuli, scala media(Organ of Corti), scala tympani
-- apex-->low pitch; base-->high pitch

3. Audiogram (test average hearing threshold)

-- frequency: 500, 1000, 2000, 4000 Hz
-- amplitude: start from loud sounds
-- unit: dB SPL or dB HL over Hz
-- new machine in Taiwan:  S1-S10, from good to bad function, start from the level of S5

4. Hearing aids
-- BTE
-- ITE
-- ITC
-- CIC

5. Tuning fork tests
-- 512 Hz
-- Weber test: midline, test sound transmission through bones
-- Rinne test: compare air conduction and bone conduction

6. Tympanogram: external ear canal pressure change--> check tympanic membrane's movement

7. Acoustic reflex
-- CN8--bilateral superior olive-->CN7-->stapes m.

8. Auditory brainstem response (ABR)
-- can test threshold and delay(schwannoma)

9. Otoacoustic emission (OAE)

10. Speech reception threshold (SRE)

11.  Conductive hearing loss
-- air-bone gap > 60dB

耳鼻喉科Otolaryngology topic eight: Inner ear diseases

Inner ear diseases

1. Neurologic pathway:
-- spiral ganglion--> cochlear nucleus-->bilateral superior olive (pons) -->inferior colliculus (midbrain) -->medial geniculate body (thalamus) -->auditory cortex

2. Detect rotation
-- angular: semicircular canal--> crista angularis 
-- linear: vestibule--> utricle ─ /saccule │, -> macula , contain otoliths

-- most common vestibule disease
-- caused by otoliths floating to posterior semicircular canal, may automatically return
-- diagnosis: Dix-Hallpike test (45°, quickly lay down pt.)
-- symptoms: latency 1~5 secs, duration <30 secs, fatigability(+), nystagmus toward the ground (geotropic), clockwise when left BPPV
-- treatment: Epley maneuver

4. Vestibular neuritis
-- DO NOT affect hearing, otherwise consider labyinthitis
-- sudden onset vertigo
-- last days to weeks, full recover in 3~6 months
-- mostly non-recurrent
-- check electronystagmographic testing(ENG) with head thrust, caloric stimulation...
-- treatment: vestibular depressant, hydration, antiemetics, corticosteroids, vestibular nerve resection, rehabilitation 
-- DDx:  Ménière’s disease, vestibular schwannoma, cerebellar infarction

5. Ménière’s disease


-- sudden onset dizziness, lasting for hours
-- tinnitus
-- fluctuating hearing loss and dysacusis

-- 20~40 y/o female

-- endolymphatic cochlear hydrops (overproduction, re-aborption↓, obstruction) 
-- diagnosis: definite, possible or certain case
-- tools: otoscopy, auditory brainstem response(ABR),  electrocochleography(ECochG), vestibular findings
Blausen.com staff. "Blausen gallery 2014". Wikiversity Journal of MedicineDOI:10.15347/wjm/2014.010ISSN 20018762

-- treatment: similar, antihistamine(Betahistine)/ BZD, restrict salt/caffeine/nicotine/alcohol, Ca2+↓(clinnarizine), destruction(surgery or Gentamycin)

6. Audiogram

-- normal: 125- 8000Hz, at least 25dB
-- hearing loss: conduction, sensorineural, mixed
-- acute symptoms of hearing injury: pain, muffled, tinnitus 
-- audiometric hallmark: early stage--> drop in  3-6 kHz(4kHz), high pitch

7. Tinnitus

-- subjective
-- objective (hemangioma, muscle cramping)
-- mind drug use:  aspirin, diuretics, quinidine, NSAID

8. Ototoxicity

-- usually bilateral
-- aminoglycosides (streptomycin), cisplatin...

9. Sudden sensorineural hearing loss

333 rule

-- loss 30 db↑
-- 3 continuous frequency
-- progress within 3 days

-- no specific etiology, may be related to virus, vessel contraction induced ischemia, membrane rupture, autoimmune

-- treatment: vasodilators (no for BP), corticosteroids

10. Cerebellopontine angle tumors (CPA tumor); benign

-- vestibular schwannomas (78%)
-- unilateral hearing / vestibular problem
-- most sensitive/ specific test: auditory brainstem response (ABR)
-- must-do image: MRI
-- surgery if >3cm, or nerve compression (CN7, 8)


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