Nose /paranasal sinuses_anatomy
1. Surface
-- root-->bridge/dorsum-->tip-->membranous septum-->columella
-- GNRTP: glabella-->nasion-->rhinion-->tip-defining point-->philtrum
2. Upper lateral cartilage
-- lower border: limen vestibuli, internal valve(resistance MAX, narrowest)
-- below limen vestibuli : nasal vestibules((stratified squamous epithehum)
3. Lower lateral cartilage
-- lower border: external valve
4. Lateral wall bones
-- nasal, frontal, lacrimal
-- sphenoid, palatine
-- ethmoid, inferior concha (independent)
5. Openings
-- inferior meatus: nasolacrimal duct; E-tube(posterior)
-- middle meatus( hiatus semilunar ): sphenoid, anterior ethmoid, frontal sinuses
-- superior meatus: posterior ethmoid sinus
***posterior to E-tube: torus tubarius
** division of ant./post. ethmoid: basal lamella
6. Concha
-- Agger nasi: anterior border of ethmoid air cell
7. Olfactory pathway
-- olfactory bulb: 1st & 2nd neuron conjugation
-- mechanism: air particles dissolved in excreted fluid
8. Nerves
-- anterior-->incisive canal= canal of Stenson
-- posterior-->greater palatine foramen= descending palatine vessels , greater palatine nerve
-- surface-->CN5-1, 5-2
-- inside-->CN5-2-->foramen rotundum-->pterygopalatine ganglion-->concha, greater palatine foramen(posterior)
-- parasympathetic-->brain stem-->geniculate ganglion-->superficial petrosal n.-->vidian n.-->pterygopalatine ganglion-->secondary neuron
-- sympathetic-->superior cervical ganglion-->deep petrosal n.-->vidian n.-->pterygopalatine ganglion-->gland
9. Arteries
-- external carotid: internal maxillary a. /facial a.
-- internal carotid: ophthalmic a.
10. Veins
-- ethmoid v.-->ophthalmic v.-->cavernous sinus-->thrombosis, meningitis, brain abscess
-- NO valves
11. Sinuses
-- development: E(14wks~birth, X ray:6 months)-->M(10wks~birth, X ray:6 months, nasal floor: 12 years)-->S(2~6 years)-->F(3~18 years, X ray: 7 years)
-- frontal sinus drainage: affected by uncinate process
-- ostiomeatal complex(OMC)
-- sphenoid sinus development: sellar >presellar > conchal type