
2016年6月23日 星期四

耳鼻喉科Otolaryngology topic ten: Speech and voice

Speech and voice

1. Anatomy
-- ventricular folds
-- ventricle
-- true vocal folds

2. Histology

Three layers forming vocal fold
-- epithelium

-- lamina propria
    -->superficial layer = Reinke's space: loose, containing fluid, between mucosa and vocal ligament, determining timbre
    -->intermediate layer
    -->deep layer

-- muscle layer (posterior cricoarytenoid muscle--> abduction; stimulated by recurrent laryngeal nerve)

3. Sound production
-- vibrating frequency: men-->100, women-->200 per second
-- superior laryngeal nerve, recurrent laryngeal nerve

4. Tools for examination/ evaluation
-- laryngeal mirror
-- laryngeal telescope: not elastic, clearer than fiberscope
-- nasopharyngo-laryngo-fiberscope: more elastic, inserted from nose
-- videolaryngo-strobo-scopy: use flash light to record vocal cord movement
-- perceptual evaluation of sound: 0--> best; 3--> worst
-- aerodynamic test- maximum phonation time(MPT): normally >10 secs
-- aerodynamic test- mean flow rate(MFR): MPT↓-->MFR↑
-- acoustic analysis- fundamental frequency
-- acoustic analysis-perturbation measures(jitter: frequency change, % ; shimmer: loudness change, dB)
-- phonetogram(vocal profile): Falsetto with less contact surface, vocal fry with more contact surface 
-- laryngeal electromyography

5. Functional voice disorders

Muscular tension dysphonia
-- overuse of vocal cords
-- hyperfunctional 

Chronic chorditis
-- overuse of vocal cords, heavy smokers

Vocal nodules
-- overuse of vocal cords, wrong speaking habit
-- bilateral, hourglass shape vocal cords
-- DDx: polyp

Vocal polyp
-- phonotrauma 
-- unilateralbleeding 

Cordal cyst
-- hard to distinguish from polyp, may need patho proof
-- less effect on sound comparing to polyp

Contact ulcer (granuloma)
-- post trachea tube insertion
-- posterior 1/3

Ventricular dysphonia 
-- using ventricular fold when speaking

Conversion (hysterical) dysphonia
-- long term or sudden onset emotional stress
-- recover when the patient cannot hear himself/herself

Mutational falsetto
-- resist voice change during puberty

6. Organic voice disorders
-- senile atrophy, androphonia, hypothyroidism
-- inflammation: Reinke's edema(heavy smokers), infection, irritant exposure, granuloma
-- congenital: sulcus vocalis, glottic web
-- neuromuscular: paralysis(unilateral), spasmodic(treat with botulism
-- neoplastic: need to DDx via scope and patho, leukoplakia, papilloma, carcinoma
-- vascular

7. Articulate disorders
-- mental
-- CNS
-- hearing
-- functional, structural




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